Unhinged Christian

010: Every Heart Ministries. With Conner Bucy

Caleb Parker

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Every Heart is a ministry that started in Grand Rapids and goes around to different cities on tours to provide worship, sharing the Gospel, and prayer for those in need. 

Those of you who know me personally know I no longer align with a lot of what the charismatic movement has to offer. That does not mean I won't sit down and have a conversation one on one with someone who is part of it to see what they actually believe.

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  Hey Connor, how 

are you? I'm 

good bro, how are you? Good, good. So,  Obviously, you're one of my first guests on the podcast, so just tell people a little bit about yourself before we get 


Yeah. , my name's Connor Busey. I am, I'm gonna look dead in the camera. Hello. My name's Connor Busey. , I'm 18 years old. I love Jesus. And I'm currently in a ywam, DTS, with the every heart movement. 

Y-Y-M-T-D-S, is that what he said? Ywam, 

YAM. Yep. Okay. Youth with a mission.  

explain a little bit about what that is and what the mission behind 

that is.

Dude. Yeah. So YWAM, is one of the biggest, missionary organizations in the world. so it was started by, the Cunninghams and, really just like on fire people just to see the Lord move. Um, and I'm with a ministry called Every Heart and Met by Love Worship, that came out of, Cornerstone University.

and the Lord's really just been moving, and it's been growing a lot. and it's really rare to see an own organization, own ministry, join with YWAM so late. But the Lord has just been moving so much in it. and we've just been seeing a lot of fruit recently from it as well. So it's been really good.

Now is every heart and met by love one thing? Yeah. It's like met by love is the worship and then every heart is the mission. Yeah. 

So, so every heart, every heart is the, the, the organization, the ministry. And then met by love is basically just described as the sound of every heart. and so they'll both, they'll have a mission of just seeing every, every soul met and sent by the love of God.

And what does a regular, do they give services? Okay. What does that look like on a weekly basis? Daily basis? What is it? 

We have two prayer rooms. we have one Tuesday morning at 9am and one Thursday night at 6pm. and we're really just, we worship. and then we just start interceding. and then Sunday nights at 6 p.

m. we have, uh, we have gatherings, at the Every Heart Building. And what that looks like is about an hour of vertical high praise worship. something that Brennan really loves to do. And Brennan is amazing. It just, he loves the Lord. and something that Brennan really is, is good at doing, and really strives for, met by love, is not to say me or I for the first 30 minutes.

Because it's not about us. It's about Ver it's about him. So it's, high praise worship, like it's all unto him. and now there are songs that say like I and me and vertical worship, but he really tries to avoid even saying the words I or me because it's not about us. and so we would worship for about an hour and then we have another hour, 30, 40 minutes of a sermon of what the Lord's doing.

And then we go back into worship for another 30, 40 minutes. so we started six get done around nine ish, eight or eight 39 o'clock. but it's really unto just like Seeing him move meeting him Not just like the guy that people think they can encounter on a Sunday morning and we're good We got a ticket to heaven.

It's like no we want it. We want to see the man That's that the real man. That's sitting on a real throne not a Sunday morning. Jesus, you know, right?  and  

What got you into 

joining this dude?  I found out about Met By Love Sorry.  Excuse me. Sorry. No worries. I found out about Met By Love when I was 15. Three years ago? Mhmm. Wow. Okay. When they came out and they put out, Restoring Eden. And just really fell in love with them. it was something that I had never, experienced before. And so I would watch the heart behind the music and all this stuff, all these videos, and really just like study.

Not by love, but I never knew what every heart was. and then I saw Jared Blaukamp go on tour, a couple of years, two years ago, he went on a summer tour with every heart. and then I was like, Oh,  my, my love, every heart, but the two and two together and, started, I played a Cajon for a ministry called core, which is a high school ministry, that meets.

Monday nights inside of Janison High School. Is 

that the one that they do at 

9pm? No, that's My Bad Love. Oh, okay. That is My Bad Love. That's My Bad Love. dude.  Excuse me, what is going on? Yeah, dude. and so I was playing there and I was playing Cajon, with, a girl named Carly Joseph, which is Brennan's sister.

who's a part of my love in every heart and is full time with them. and she was really, she was like, really like, you should come to Sunday nights and I was like, what is a Sunday night? Like she, I didn't know what it was. And she explained it to me. I was like, yeah, okay, cool. Yeah, I'll check it out.

She was like, but we're about to go on tour. So you'll have to wait till after summer. I was like, Oh, what? That's so what? and so I was like, okay, And so I started just following, keeping up with the tour. And then when they got back, we had the send, which was, did you hear about the send?  Yeah, I've heard about the send.

Yeah, so we had the send, which was really powerful. The Lord was really moving there. a lot happened. It was awesome. And after that, Sunday night started up again.  And I went and I was like, all right, I'm going to go. And so I go and I was not wanting to be there at all. I was like, I just want to go home.

Like, this is, it's late. I want to go home. This was at the send. This was a Sunday night, Sunday night for every hour. Yep. So right after the send. and I was there and, Jonah angle comes up to me and he comes and he's like, Hey bro, I really feel like I'm supposed to pray for you. I was like, sick. Um, a couple, maybe 30 minutes later, Bryce Bauman comes up to me and he starts praying for me.

And then at the end of the night, Brendan Joseph comes up to me and prays for me. And those, those are like the three founders of every, every heartbreak. And I was like, I was like, what is going on? and I, I was just like, There's something here that, like, I need. There's something here that I need. it's not, this is nothing like I've ever been around before.

Not like a, a Wednesday night, a Thursday night, a Sunday morning. Like, this, this, something's different. it felt like every heart, not every heart, it felt like one heart, but like, every week. Yeah. And I was like, okay, this, what, what is this, you know? and so I kept going to Sunday nights, getting involved and then there was a Sunday night where we had Jonathan Stanford come in, who is, he's a CR guy, circuit riders guy. 

and he was, He came to a Sunday night, and I, the whole day, I was like, I feel like I'm supposed to do more with every heart. but I don't know what that means. And so I went up and I talked with Jonah, and I said, dude, this is what I'm feeling. what does it look like to you? And he was like, dude, the only thing that makes sense is DTS, but, applications have been closed for three weeks.

And I was like, oh, I'm already in a program at ResLife anyways, it would be, just, be really hard to do this. And I was just like, cool, I'll just do it next year. And I was about to leave and then he stopped me. He said, Hey, I really feel like you're supposed to pray about it and we're going to pray about it too. 

And I said,  okay. And so I went home. after I went to Culver's cause we all go to Culver's after Sunday night. And so I was on my way home. It was like 1150 all right, God,  if I'm supposed to do this, let my parents be awake when I get home so I can talk to them about it. My parents go to work at 6 and 7 in the morning.

They should be asleep. I get home, open the door, and my mom is just standing in the kitchen, and I was like, Why are you awake? And she was like, some I just couldn't go to bed. Something just kept me up. I just like started like to like tear up a little bit and was like, what? Like, why? Why? Why? And I explained to her and she was like, you know, Connor, you're not mine.

You're the Lord's. and if he's telling you to do this, do it. You're going to be disobeying him if you don't. and I was like, okay, yeah, you're right. And she was like, you want to talk to your dad about it? And I was like, my dad? Why is he awake? What's going on? And I went and talked with him, and he was like, well, if you think it's of the Lord,  pray into it.

And so,  I went to bed that night, and just really like, just praying  all , if I'm supposed to do this, like, make it known. and, A couple, it was like a day or two, and I was talking with, the discipleship pastor at Rez, Pastor Nick, I don't know why this is described like that, and yeah, I was praying, uh, talking with him, and I was like, you know, what do you think?

And he was like, well, I don't know, and a lot of stuff, and he said he'd pray about it, and I was praying about it, And I was talking with a lot of leadership in my life, and they're like, well, technically you're under the submission of Pastor Nick, you gave him like your oath that you would do this.

He's like, and the only way that you, you can get out of it, if he says he'll commission you and he'll send you. and so I was like, all right, God, like if I'm supposed to do this, those are the words I have to hear is he will send me. Yeah. and so we sit down, me and Nick, we sit down and I'm like, Hey dude, like, you know, What are you feeling? 

And he was like, you know, I'm sad because obviously I don't want you to leave I want you to finish this but if you feel it's of the Lord I will commission you and send you out and I was like, well, it's of the Lord then because That's exactly what I needed to hear. Was there any 

fear that he wasn't going to commission 


A little bit. Yeah a little bit, but I also knew like, all right, if he's not I'm not doing it Like I'm not, if, if he does not commission me, I'm not doing, the DTS, I just can't because I'm, I gave him my oath. Yeah, that's true. good on you. And so, yeah, I was, I was very much like, all right, I'm doing it.

And then I was praying, I was like, cause it's, it's 4, 000 for the, the lecture phase and then 3, 000 for two or so 7, 000 total. I said, God, if I'm supposed to do this. Right, you've made it away so far,  let me be fully funded for this.  And so,  I go and I have the meeting with, uh, I go and call Jonah, and I'm like, hey bro, if the door is open, I'm in.

He was like, dude, give us a little more time to just keep diving into prayer, and we'll reach back out. I said, okay. And I had a family friend, praying, and she was, she was like, she's very, she's very In tune with the Spirit, holy Spirit. Like she, she, she's very like deep in her faith and she goes, Connor, I just feel like if a door's open,  you have to run through it.

and I said, okay.  And then I get a call 20 minutes later from Jonah and he goes, Hey bro, the door's open. Are you gonna go through it? And I was like, oh  yeah, I'm gonna do it. Had a lot of peace about it. and so.  I have, I think, a month  less than to raise 4, 000 for lecture phase, and the Lord just provided.

Even to this day, I haven't had to use any of my own money, just because I have people that are supporting and partnering with what the Lord's doing, and it's just been a huge blessing, and really just like the Lord being like, Connery, like, you're here. I have something for you here. and we actually, just had Amy Ward.

I don't know if you know who Amy Ward is. she's, with YWAM. She's very prophetic. and she was like, the re this, cause this is the first, uh, EveryHeartDTS. And she was like, it's not a coincidence that some of you are here. She said, that the Lord  handpicked people to be here because it's a pioneering phase and not, not everyone can do that. 

And so hearing that, and then also my story of how I even got into the ETS, was just really crazy to hear. And so I'm just really like, all right, God, like, what do you got for me here?  What else do we have? and in the last five weeks,  I've really just been able to grow in just knowing him.

not having any like responsibilities for like volunteering or anything like that. It's just, I get to sit back, receive and just know, no. and that's just been a huge blessing. 

what does the lecture phase look 

like? Yeah, dude. So it is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. So five days, Saturdays are Sabbaths.

And then Sundays we have,  Church in the morning, they're very strong on like, going to a local church. and then we have like a two or three hour gap in between and then we have Sunday nights. but lecture phase, usually starts around ten. There are a couple days that start at nine, but usually starts at ten and then goes to  one.

Um, and, it's all different, it's all, so this next week, we'll have, a girl come in, I can't remember her name, what is her name? Maria, what is Maria's last name? I don't remember. but, she's gonna come in and teach on hearing God's voice. last week we had Amy Ward teach on the Holy Spirit.

The week before that we had, The Every Heart staff teaching on freedom and going through the freedom manual. the week before that we had, Tom and Donna Cole come in and teach on the Father Heart of God. and took us through a thing called Pure Heart, which is just mother wounds, father wounds.

femininity, masculinity, and then freedom. the week before that, We had Every Heart Staff, which was evangelism and the gospels. and then the week before that, so the first week, it was just culture of who we are in Christ. what cultures should we have? and so that's usually Monday through Friday.

Uh, uh, Monday through Thursday Around ten to one and then Monday nights We don't have any we don't have anything in the afternoons until Monday night when we have a met by love campus So there's four local campuses  that met by love meets on Monday nights Tuesdays Tuesday morning. We have prayer Tuesday night we have  We just had like a team dinner.

So we all come together as guys and we'll just have a dinner with each other commune Wednesday, we have, dude, why do I not know my own schedule? What do we have Wednesday? Evangelism. So we have, a corporate evangelism time where we'll go out, into like teams and we'll split up into twos or threes and we'll go out to the streets of Grand Rapids and just love on people show the love of God and, it's rare that people would like stand with like a sign in the microphone and be like Like sharing the gospel, but it's more of a just Walking around downtown and the Lord put someone on our heart just being able to go up and just love on them, you know, and  Not being the people that are just like Turner Bar and it's like dude, how can I pray for you? 

How can, how can, how can I just stand with you, and really just show the love of Jesus, and then in between lecture and evangelism on Wednesday, we have, fundraising, and, we just get really good to dive in and learn on like partnership and fundraising and how to foster that well, and then Thursdays we have prayer at night, after class.

And then Fridays is kind of like a, It's more of a relaxed day. usually we'll have like a one on one with like a mentor. and then we will do small groups, so all the guys will get together.  Awesome.  

So as a, I've taken more of a Baptist route these days, which is kind of funny.  And that evangelism is closer to churn and burn.

Not really. I don't, I wouldn't go out and do that personally, but you say you pray on people.  Is there any mention of repentance of sin when you're going out evangelizing? Not, you don't have to be a jerk about it, of course. Yeah. But in order for people to know good news, they also need to know the bad news.

Right.  So is there any mention in that when you're out evangelizing? 

100%. Yeah. Okay. So, um, my usual, like how I'll talk with people is if I, if you're someone that I'm, I'm evangelizing to, I'll come up and you'd be like, Hey bro, just have a question for you. Probably not a normal question that you usually get, but is there anything that I can pray for you for?

and if they say yes, praise God, if they say no, praise God. And then I say also just another question, have you ever heard the gospel before? if they say yes, I'll ask them what their relationship with Jesus looks like. and if they say no, I ask, may I share that with you? If they say no, I'd say, okay, cool.

Have a good, have a good rest of your day. You know, I'm not going to force anything on them. but if, if they do want to hear it, I get to take them through a creation, right? the fall, sub sin. The crucifixion, restoration. but then I also, after that, I'm like, but, since Jesus, since Jesus came, since he, he rose again, he brought, he brought the Holy Spirit, we have, we can be in relationship with him and commune with him. 

And so, that means when we sin, And sin just means missing the mark. It's not like this big thing of like, oh, you're a horrible person. This is, we missed the mark. We all fell. We get to repent to him, which means we just get to turn away. He forgives us. He wants to forgive us. He longs to forgive us because he wants to be in a relationship with our, with, with each other.

And is that something you want to do?  And I give them the opportunity to do it. and I, I really, I, I always like highly recommend, like, it's something like every Christian should do. Every, every follower of Jesus should repent because it, it brings us closer to him. It washes us clean. Right. Um, and I 

think, I think that's not mentioned as much like repentance is a scary word if you're using it incorrectly.

Right.  Which if, in that case, if you say repenting is a gift and it actually brings you closer to God, which it does, right?  I think that can be a little more helpful than standing on the street corner yelling. I've seen people change from the yelling people to,  it wouldn't be my style. I'd be somewhere in between what you're doing and they do, but it's good to know that you are.

Teaching that part as well. Yeah coming from okay. There is the reality of wrath but there's the gift of grace on top of 

that and I don't think and something that everyone teaches too is like  Repentance isn't a scare. It shouldn't be a scary thing. It shouldn't be a thing of like  Oh, i'm a horrible person.

I did this it's like no like  We're human. We're gonna mess up. That's why God gave us the gift of repentance. And so every time people come to every our um, to evangelize with us, we make it known like Tell them what repentance truly is Not what they think it is because a lot of times people think sin and repentance is a scary word and a scary thing and so truly tell them like like what it is that it's a gift that it draws us closer to god It washes us clean makes us new right?

Yeah  Sweet.  

And do you have an idea of what it looks like when you go on tour? 

When I go on tour, yeah. Dude, I'm not super familiar with tour just because I haven't gone. Right. Um, but I know it's going to be 10 different cities each week. So we're going, we're going to be on tour for 10 weeks, 10 different cities each week.

Wow, 10 cities in a week? Yeah.  Oh dude, I, no, 10, 10 cities each one. Oh yeah. One city each week. 10 different cities. Oh, one city each week. Okay. Sorry. That's me. 

I was gonna say you're doing two day sometimes. 

That'd be crazy. and yeah, so, so a different city each week for 10 weeks. and  I can't remember what days or travel days, but we'll get there.

It happens. It's cool.  . We'll get there and, um.  We'll go out, evangelize, we'll go, and then partner with the local church that we're partnering with there, and then, um, Friday?  I think it's Friday. We have a big gathering, big Jesus gathering, which is just worship message. It's kind of just like a Sunday night.

and it's in the public, usually in a park. and then that Saturday we'll pack up, kind of have our kind of Sabbath day. Sunday we'll attend the local church that we partnered with, volunteer there. And then I believe Monday is when we start traveling again. and then I think we'll get to the place either Monday night or Tuesday morning, and then immediately go out.

and. I'm not super familiar with it. I know that there's been a lot of crazy stories from tour.  I know there's, I have a buddy, his name's Hector. He told me a story. I can't remember what city, but for two years in a row, when they set up, there's the same guy that came running over and he would get on the mic and he'd just go, he'd just yell into the mic.

I was about to yell in this mic. I'm not going to do that, but they would, they would yell into the mic, and the whole system would shut down. And then he'd just run away. and just like crazy stories, there was a group of girls that were going out, I think just to get like a coffee or something. and this guy came up to them and just stopped and like was like just staring at them and they were like, What is going on?

And he goes,  I can tell. And they're like, what? He was like, I worship Satan. I want you to know that. And God delivered right there. but it's just like crazy things. You know what I mean? just crazy things, dude. I'm super expectant for what the Lord has. not only for like America, but even just in Grand Rapids, bro.

It's like the fruit  that we're seeing in Grand Rapids. It's actually kind of sad that like the amount of people in Grand Rapids that don't know the gospel  Because and I understand like West Michigan It's like really like reformed and all this stuff and it's like, you know, I mean, but it's like people think like oh I have to go out.

I have to go out. I have to go here. I have to go here I have to go here to share the gospel. It's like no, they need it here too  There's a lot of people in Grand Rapids. I was surprised at how many people I talked to were like, Hey, do you know the gospel? I'm like, no. They're like, the music genre? I'm like, no, not the music genre. 

And you know, and I was like, and yeah, dude. And I really just believe like we're going to start seeing the fruits of revival spreading.  And not only in Grand Rapids, but across the United States and across the world. As we're going to start, we're about to start hearing the works of God. We're about to start seeing, like, how God is moving, specifically in Gen Z and Millennials, right?

I firmly believe, like, this generation is His generation. Uh, we say it a lot, Of like a John the Baptist generation. A generation that is making way for the return of the Lord. Making way for the King. Um, and yeah, dude, I'm just, I'm expectant, I'm really expectant.  

John the Baptist did get his head cut off.

He did. So are you excited for that part too? 

If it's for him, yeah. Yeah.  

That's what I think a lot of people forget is like, what does it actually look like to take up your cross daily? Right.  Right. Right. Right.   What crazy stories have you 

personally seen? Dude, personally, um, dude, there was, was at a, a ministry called Sozo, uh, which is out of South Christian High School.

it's just a, it's a high school ministry. I meet Wednesday nights, and we were there and I really just felt like the Lord was, I was playing Cajon, and I really felt like the Lord wanted to move, in that room and like stir up the atmosphere.  And so,  I started talking with, um, uh, his name's Ben Barr.

He runs the ministry. And I was like, dude. This is what I feel like the Lord wants to do. I feel like the Lord wants to like, like do like physical healings.  Don't, that's just really what's on my heart right now. And so we pray into it. He feels the Lord's saying do it. We do a call, bunch of people come up, get to start praying for people.

And there was a girl there who the day before had skin cancer. And so we start praying over her. And she got a report back  that night.  From the doctor the more from that morning and she was like the report says it's gone  And we're like, that's the lord. That's god like that's god and then actually last night, I went out.

I really felt the lord say to go to river town mall and go evangelize, to gen z and millennials And so I was going out and just really got to like love on people Ended up seeing seven young men I got to, I got to pray for this, uh, this, this girl, she's a mom, she works at Boardwalk Subs, actually, right downtown, if you have never been to Boardwalk Subs, go to Boardwalk Subs.

Oh, I've been there. It's the best sub, sub, sub shop ever. Um. Subs by www. zeoranger. co. uk  And I saw her at Barnes and Noble's. I was like, Oh my gosh, no way. What's going on? I was talking with her and her son was there and she let me pray for her and her anxiety. And I was like, can I pray for your son? And she was like, yeah, I was like, Hey bro, you cool if I pray for you?

He was like, yeah, I did go for it. I was like, I was like anything I pray for. He's like, no. So I just started praying for him, just for the Lord, just to move in his life. And I was like, do you have any pain in your body? He's like, yeah. I said, where? He was like, I have scoliosis. Yeah. He was like, and so when I slouch, like, it, it, it hurts really bad.

I was like, can you slouch right now? And he slouched. I said, does that hurt? And he said, yeah. And I said, okay, cool. Stand straight up. Stood straight up. And I put my hand on his back and I just started like praying over it. And I felt like certain areas of his back start to shake. And I was like, do you feel that?

And he was like, no. I was like, well, your back is shaking. I can literally feel it in my hand. And I said, slouch real quick. And he slouched. And he was like, doesn't hurt. And his mom's jaw hit the floor and he was like, wait, what? And I was like cool, bro. Let's keep praying. We kept praying and finally like it stopped shaking and I was like do it again and he did it again.

He was like  It doesn't hurt at all. Like it doesn't hurt at all I was like dude, that's the lord And her his mom was like because she was on the fence like if god's real or not  Man So sorry  

Gotta get some of that h2o h2o, bro 

Yeah, dude. and so, she was like in awe and I was like, this is the Lord.

Like, He wants a relationship with you. He's chasing after your heart. and got to pray for them. she still was like,  eh, iffy. I was like, what? Are you iffy after seeing Scoliosis  leave your son's back? there was, yeah, wow. That same night, actually. Yeah, this was a crazy story. So there was a group of teenagers, and I, I was walking, I was like, I'm going to talk to them. 

And as soon as I got there, they split up and I was like, ah, crap. And so I went out, I went and talked, I went after, that sounds crazy. I went after. Chasing the teens.  I went, I went and talked to three of them and I was like, you know, like, have you heard the gospel before? Like, yeah. I said, we have a relationship with Jesus.

They said, yeah. I said, what does that look like? All right. I go to church on Sunday morning.  Yeah. I was like, Oh, cool. I was like, what else? They can, they just stared at me. I was like, what? If I was to tell you,  Jesus wants a relationship with you every day, every moment of your life.  And they're like,  that sounds pretty cool.

I was like, did you know you could have that? They're like, no. is that something you want? And they were like, what does it look like? So I got to tell them what it looks like. And they were like, yeah, I really do want that. I want it. So I got to pray with them, and After that, we were about to leave, it was like an hour later, we were about to leave, and these three guys come walking up to me, and the, the three other girls that were with me out evangelizing were praying with each other over something, and so they came up to me and they're like, our friend said you're looking for us, I said oh no way, what's up guys, and so I got to start talking with them,  and I was like, does anybody need prayer for anything? 

And then one of the kids was like, yeah, I was lifting, and I like, He did something to my peck, and like I can feel a lump right here.  And I was like, oh, okay. I was like, does it hurt? Like really bad? He said, yeah. I said, dude, I believe God wants to heal you right now. So we got to pray over him. And he went like this after.

And he went back down, and he felt, and he was like freaking out. He was like, it's gone. well, he's like, the lump is gone. I don't, it's gone.  And so his friends were like in awe. And there, I was like, dude, like, that's, that's the Lord. That's the Lord. And they're like, he just got healed. And I was like, I know, like God does that.

He was like, God can't help himself, but heal his children. Like he loves his children. You know what I mean? and so we got to pray over them and  I really felt the Lord just was saying, like, I want to encounter them.  I said, okay, God. And so I was like, I was like, I believe the Lord wants to like meet you guys right now.

And so we started praying. and there are 15, 14 and 14, so 15, 14, 14. they're all freshmen in high school and I was praying for one of them and I was just felt like, uh,  the Lord was saying he's tender.  And I said, dude, I just feel like the Lord's saying like, you're, you're very tender. You have a tender heart.

And I was like, does that ring a bell? And he was like, yeah. And I said, do you feel like you're going to cry right now? He's like, yeah. And I was like, that's God. he's meeting you right now. got to pray for another one.  His name was Tate. and, He just started like, kind of like wobbling a little bit,  and he was like, it was the same thing, he felt like he was going to start crying, and he was like, my heart's really racing right now, and I was like, that's God, that's the Holy Spirit,  and then I got to pray for Tyler, the last one, and I laid my hands on him, and I was just like, Lord come, he started to shake really violently, and so I kind of got a little stern with it, and I was like, alright, if this is anything other than living, breathing spirit of God, reveal yourself to me.

What are you? And he started like to grow in a little bit and I was like, okay, I said, I said, what are you? Started shaking and started walking backwards. So I kind of have one hand here. Then the girls that I was with started seeing that this was happening and because their two friends were getting a little freaked out because they're like, what's going on?

And so they came over and they're like, oh, this is the Lord like moving in his life. And, and  Kept praying with him, and then finally I said, In Jesus name, tell me what you are.  And then he said, Worshipper of God. And then, fell. Lights out.  And people in the mall were like freaking out thinking he had like a seizure or something, and they came running over like, What's going on?

What's going on? And I was like, The Lord is moving. The Lord's moving. And they were like, just shocked at what they were seeing. And then, the kid like, kinda like, came through, like, came to. And he was like, started to cry a little bit. And I was like, you okay? He was like, I'm really scared right now. I said, why are you scared?

And he was just like, cause I don't know what's going on. That's what I got to explain. I was like, dude, that's like, the Holy Spirit. Like, you can do that. Like, the power of God just came and rested upon you really heavily right now, dude. And he got up and gave me a hug and started crying, and so I just got to sit with him and just pray, kept praying with him.

but yeah dude, I've seen some crazy, crazy, crazy encounters. there was, a lady's leg that I got to pray for that was just short. It was like this, this far. just got to pray with her, and as we were praying, just saw her leg grow. I have a buddy who, tore his meniscus, and was praying with him last night,  and he had surgery on it before, and it tore again. 

And I was like, God, like, help me. I believe you're going to heal his meniscus right now in Jesus name. And I was like, and I just pray like that even the scar from where he had surgery will go away as a sign of your healing. and it was like a deep pink scar and it is as light as his skin and it's like slowly like getting smaller and smaller and smaller.

And I was like, like, that's God, that's God. Those are things that he does because yeah, and it's just, it's crazy. And so.  I'm also super excited for tour because it's like, I'm just going to, you're going to see so many crazy things happen. but really just getting to walk in authority with God and with the authority that he's given us.

because he's the things of, of this world and the enemy aren't stronger than my God or not. and yeah, dude.  

I'm just going to press a little bit just because I think it makes for more interesting podcasts. Do you think that during these times of healing that some of them could be, they feel better because of the adrenaline rush or a psychosomatic type feeling, whereas in the moment they feel as if they're healed, but then days or weeks later it comes back.

Cause I've had that happen to me personally. Right now, this is not me denying miracles, but I'm just asking, do you think? That could ever happen or has that ever happened in any of these situations that you've experienced 

personally? Yeah, dude. from my experience personally, I haven't had that happen to me.

I've definitely seen it happen. Right. and to answer the question, I really don't know. You know what I mean? Um, I firmly believe that when the power of God comes and rests upon you and heals you,  You're healed.  That, because our body is a temple of the living, breathing spirit of God. And, and no sickness and no injury, no, and no weapon can, it can enter that temple.

And when it tries to, it has to leave because it doesn't have any power. I, I look at it like, like a cockroach. When, when it's in the dark, right? It's living, it's doing its thing. But as soon as the lights come on, it has to leave.  It gets scared. It runs. Right? And so, Dude, I, I don't know. And I tell people at all times, like, I, I really, I don't know why this person didn't get healed.

Pat pastor, Ken, dang pastor, Ken. I don't know why he didn't get healed.  I don't, I'm sad by it. I wish he was still here. I love Ken, but I know he's also, if he had the opportunity to come back, he wouldn't,  cause he's so caught up in the glory.  Yeah. I wouldn't either. Yeah. To be honest. And, um,  But I, I don't know.

I don't know. there are things where I could, you know, for people that struggle with, like for me when I struggled with, uh, addiction to pornography, when I got freed from that, when I used to say, I struggled with it, I struggle with it, I struggle with it, I struggle with it, I'm allowing it to come in.

I struggle with it. No, I don't.  No, I don't.  It tries to attack my body. It's not allowed to. Sickness. I'm sick. I'm this. I'm injured. I have a torn this. I have this. I have this. You're, you're, you're calling it onto yourself. You're saying, I have it. No, you don't. Rebuke it. It's not yours. God took it from you.

 but yeah, I, I, you know, I've, I've definitely heard of people like, yeah, I was healed and now I'm not. And it's like, well,  why? You know what I mean? Like, God doesn't just tease us with his, with his healing. He doesn't just go, oh yeah, I'll heal you and I'm gonna take it right back. No, he doesn't. He goes, you are, you're healed, you're healed. 

Yeah, I don't know. There was, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's how, that's my answer to that question. 

Fair enough.  Okay, well I think that, we're at about 40 minutes, so. Sick bro. That's a nice, long episode, so thanks for coming on, thanks for dealing with the hard questions. No, you're good, I love them. I really do appreciate that, it's what,  it's why I actually started this podcast, it's because I want to ask. 

Stuff from both sides. Right. when you look at political, liberal versus conservative, you actually talk to each side of those people.  They do have a lot more in common than you think.  And so when it comes from reformed Baptist, Catholic or charismatic, it's like, yeah, I don't agree with everything on the charismatic side, but sitting down and actually talking to people.

I'm starting to learn a lot more. So, thanks for coming on. Really appreciate it. Of course, bro. And, uh, until next time. Thanks guys for listening. Bye.