Unhinged Christian

009: Catholic vs Baptist vs Non-Denominational

Caleb Parker


Alright, let's do this. Okay, everybody's here. Introduce yourselves. I'm 


I'm Trista. Caleb, as always, and we're going to be discussing the differences between Protestantism, I think I said that right, and Catholicism. 

And what denomination are you guys normally? Uh,  Non denom? Non denom, yeah. Okay, so you stand for nothing.  

Disgusting. Um, I'm Catholic. I'm in RCA right now, which is like basically the process of like converting to Catholicism. So I'm getting catechized, so I would say I'm pretty qualified to talk about this.

But yeah, so I'm Catholic basically. What did you start off as? Um, I kind of started off as like non denominational as well. And then I decided to convert.  

And what made you want to convert? 

Yeah, so I  started taking, , my faith in general seriously in, like,  2022. I went to several different churches, and none of them fa There was, like, I had,, issues with all of them. , little things that I didn't like. And then I had a friend that was Catholic, and she took me to Mass, and I just really loved it. And I started learning a lot, about the Catholic Church and I just, I decided to join because it,  it just felt really right. Okay. 

And I am Baptist, which is also known as the radical reformation part.

Because it's reformed, which still have some parts of the Catholic belief, but then Baptist is like,  independent basically.  So what has been the biggest difference so far?  From a Protestant church versus Catholic? 

Honestly, there's a lot. I think one of the big differences is the way that church is structured because the mass is very different from like just a sermon at  a Protestant church.

And I think, I think, do you know anything about the Eucharist or like the sacraments of the Catholic?  

Yes, the Eucharist. That's one of the questions I had is the Eucharist. It's the cross, right? Or is it the act of communion? Yeah, please explain 

this because I'm very 

undereducated on this. Okay, yeah, so I think the Eucharist is probably the biggest difference and so basically the Eucharist is like We, I don't yet, because my first communion has yet to happen, that's going to be in like a month.

Um, but like we take communion every mass, and so basically the Eucharist is like the elements of communion, the bread and wine. But it's like the true body and blood, it's not like metaphorical. I would say that's the biggest difference. Does it still taste like bread?  I haven't tasted it, but I, yes, I  think so. 

Yeah, cause it's, so basically there's this idea.  , I might say something wrong. I might use a wrong word. I, it's called transubstantiation. So basically it changes substance, but not form. So it's like, it's still in the form of bread and wine, but like the substance is the body and blood of Christ. Yeah. If that 

makes sense.

Yeah. That's interesting. Yeah.  So it's not just a symbol. It's not just symbolizing that it's his blood and his flesh. It actually becomes that. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.  And how does that happen? Do they have to say anything before this? 

Yeah. Yeah. So it's like during mass, , there's like different liturgies during mass.

So there's like the opening liturgy and there's the liturgy of the word, which is like when we do the readings from scripture and then there's the liturgy of the Eucharist, which is basically where the priest,  he says a lot of different prayers and some of them. You can't hear because there's like the, , congregation is singing a hymn.

and then basically when it actually becomes, when the Eucharist becomes the Eucharist is, when he's reading, A scripture, I think it's from Luke, and he's reading the scripture of the Last Supper, and he says, he like holds the bread and he says, this is my body, and then that becomes  the body of Christ, same when he holds up the chalice and he says, this is my blood.

So it's like, yeah, there's like prayers and stuff that goes into it. 


is that like, is that like a Catholic found idea or is that like somewhere in the Bible?  It's in the Bible. Okay. So is it like,   the prayer that he has to do? Like the priest is that does he get it from the Bible or is it like something that  came straight from Catholicism itself?

I thought it was church tradition because Eastern Orthodox also does that. 

Okay, it probably I think I Don't know the words of the prayers He says especially like during the preparation before he like before the transubstantiation takes place that's probably a church tradition, but The idea of the Eucharist is from the Bible.

I think it's in John chapter 6, I want to say. but yeah. I don't have my it's just blasphemy. Let me, let me,  okay hold on, let me pull this up because I have my, I have my phone.  Okay, I believe it's John 6,  Pressure.  Yeah, okay, okay. While I'm looking for it though, do you guys know, the part of the Bible where Jesus is talking to a lot of, the people he was teaching and, like, there were a lot of disciples with him and he said, if you don't eat my flesh and drink of my blood, you don't have life in you.

Do you know that part? I think 


yes. I think that was in the chosen 

clip I saw today. Yeah, so that is,  yeah, okay, it's John 6. One second, sorry, this is taking a long time. Okay, so in John 6, 35, Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me will never hunger, whoever believes in me will never thirst.

So he's saying I am the bread of life. And similarly in, during the Last Supper, I don't know, the like, verse off the top of my head, he says this is my body and this is my blood. basically the Catholic belief is like, that he was not being metaphorical when he said that.  

Okay, that makes sense.

So it's just like a literal thing, like, that is my body, that is my blood. 

Yeah, but it's still, it's just weird. I 

mean, it, no, it is It's 

almost cannibalism. I don't like to think about that. Kind of just freaks me out a little bit. I like it being a symbol. 

Okay, well technically, it wouldn't be cannibalism because he's a god, not a 


Well he's fully human. Well he's fully god and fully human. Amen. That's 

true, that's true, okay.  So it just depends on how you look at it. Either you're eating a God or you're eating a human. 

That's not how that works. Well, that was a good, uh, grasp. Yeah. 

That's how I grasped it. 

Um, we did, we talked about this in RCIA. It was like, because I think that is something that's raised a lot as people are like, well, isn't that cannibalism? And  so my RCIA teacher basically said that .  Cannibalism for the most part is it's like you are eating another person and you are forcefully like desecrating that person's body and eating them but the idea with the Eucharist is that it's like he offered his body and blood for us So it's not Cannibalism in that sense.

It's not cannibalism in the sense of like I'm murdering someone and eating them. Yeah, 

that makes sense. No, that actually does make sense. Okay, 


yeah, it does, but. It's like he gave consent. So it's like, it's okay.  

I'm still happy to just think of it as a symbol in my case. So I think we're just gonna move on to the next thing.

Okay. Which is Unless what do you have anything else? 

No, I don't not for that subject. It's a really good subject though 

There was it'd be nice to do like a full episode on just that but we are focusing on just most of the differences  What else is there?  That's different. Saved by works versus saved by faith alone.

Yeah, so that is a big thing and I think a misconception is that the Catholic Church believes that you have to, , earn salvation, because that's not true. I think, the best way to put it is that I, I don't believe in saved by faith alone because I believe that  if you have faith, works will come from that.

So I think it's like faith and works are what saved you, but you don't earn your salvation. Does that 

make sense? That's kind of what we talked about last time a little bit, right? Like it's kind of a combination. 

the way that I've heard it, yes, is Catholics have to earn it. So it could be a biased, reformed pastor saying that or something. 

But the way that it's described and.  Reformed churches are like, in my case, Baptist churches. You don't do the work so that Jesus loves you. You do them because he already 

loves you. I would, I say, I agree with that. I, that is very true. And I think, I don't, I mean, I think some Catholics probably do get that wrong.

Even like within the church thing that we need to earn our salvation. I don't think that's true. I just think for me, and this is . My bad.  , and this is , I dunno, it's something that for me, I like, I do a lot of  thinking about this stuff and it's , it's sometimes hard to wrap your head around,  does this , just the faith, what saves you or is like faith and then the works come from the faith, but I think it's Kind of the church view is that like, if you have faith, the works will come from that. So it's like, it's the combination of the two. I don't know. That's 

almost proof of your salvation. Not that you have to prove your salvation, but if somebody is saved and they're the exact same way they were before that.

Exactly. Then you have the right to question if they're actually saved and putting their trust in Jesus. 

That, yeah, I think that's, that's a good way to put it. And I think, I don't know, I'm Again, I'm not like,  I'm not a theologian, so I, I might get something wrong, but yeah, I think, I think you did. That's a good way to put it, though. 

Yeah, I 

mean, I don't think any of us are theologians by any means.  

I read the theologian books, so I'm on my way. Oh, yeah. I don't know, do you have to go to school for  a theology degree? 

Pretty sure. To be considered 

a theologian, yeah. Oh, okay. Because how did these other guys get it? Like? Like C. S.

Lewis. Calvin. They figured it out. Martin 

Luther. We say they're theologians, so they are.  I don't know, 

also might be possible. Then I'll just say I am. Yeah. I don't know, did like, 

did C. S. Lewis go to school 

for that? I know he went to school, but I'm not entirely sure what he went to school for. Yeah.  

But yeah, I, I don't know. 

I'm also  the youngest here, so I might be the dumbest person here. I don't know. You could be the smartest. 

That's just 

self defecation. Yeah.  There you go. Yeah, I used it. I used it in the right context. I'm glad. Do you have anything else on that, Logan, about saved by faith?  

Honestly, like, I understand what you guys are talking about.

I don't have, like,  a huge, standpoint on it. I've  got a lot of things that I work through every day, every week. I'm still trying to figure it all out, to be honest.  

My other thing is, isn't there certain sacraments and stuff that you have to do? During service or mass. It's called mass. Yeah, and a Catholic Church Isn't there certain sacraments that you must do every time?

Yeah, I mean like communion that's we have seven sacraments and I would say yeah communion It's  every time you go to mass you take communion. So yes, and  yeah, there are If you're talking about like certain sacraments you have to do to be Catholic. Cause there is like, there are requirements in order to be considered a practicing Catholic.

You have to  go to confession at least once a year. And stuff like that. is that what you mean? Yeah. Yeah. No, yeah. There are those like, rules. If, if you will.  Okay. 

Yeah. what else is there? I know there's a lot of differences, but I can't, oh, the Pope. That's a big one. Yeah. So the authority of the 


So, yeah, I mean like what about it?  

I mean, does he have authority over the Bible or is that another biased opinion? 

No, he doesn't have authority over the Bible. So there is this, you know, the concept of like papal infallibility. Have you heard that term? I've heard the term. Yeah, so I think a lot of people  Cause it, like papal infallibility is a thing, but a lot of people think that that means that everything the pope says is true, or like nothing the pope says can be like, disagreed with or like misguided.

But that's not true, so no, the pope doesn't have authority over like the bible, ,  and the pope, I mean, I would say ,  he kind of has the authority, he, like, the church.  Headed by the Pope interprets the Bible so that we, , we have a clear set of beliefs. But I wouldn't say he has authority, , to decide, , that something in the Bible is wrong.

No. But what if 

he interprets  it incorrectly?  Yeah, that's 

a great question. No, yeah, that could happen, I think. Or, , that's a good question. I think the thing about that is, though, that  it's not just the Pope. There's, like, I think there's a couple hundred cardinals also, , working in the Vatican, and then there's, like, all the other members of the clergy, which is, like, a ton of people, like, all the priests, bishops, archbishops, etc.

And it's, like, kind of the whole, , clergy  is the, uh, like, they all interpret the Bible. It's not just the Pope, per se. So, I feel like  There have been so many, there have been so many like councils and stuff in the Catholic Church, and it's like they're all kind of making these decisions together. It's not 

just the Pope. 

And so then my other question is what else does the Pope do? What is his main position?  

Yeah, so I mean basically he's He's considered the Bishop of Rome and Rome is like the center of the church because every diocese has a bishop. And I honestly, this is something I don't know a ton about it, um, but like, he's like the Bishop of Rome and he's considered like the father of the church.

So he's  the spiritual leader. So  the church has a head and it's not just like a bunch of churches making their own decisions essentially.   Yeah, 

that was low key, like, my, like, main question, like, I didn't really get the role behind the Pope. I understand now, props to you for knowing as much as you do because that's impressive.

is there anything, similar, you think, for Protestant, or is it just like straightforward God, Son of God? What, what's your question? Like, we don't really have, like, a Pope figure in Protestant. 

No, we don't, at all. Yeah.  Each church has their pastor and that's the lead pastor for that specific church.

So how did, 

how did the Pope become a thing? Like, do you know the history behind it? I 

do! It's, okay. You guys, I don't know. Some people might come at me for this, but it,  the papacy is in the Bible. shoot. I can't remember which gospel it's in, but you know, whenever Jesus said, like, upon this rock I will build my church, and he was talking about Peter.

basically, like, the Catholic Church, anyway, considers Peter to have been the first pope. So it's like, I think the position has definitely evolved over time, because obviously, Peter wasn't sitting in like this huge cathedral in the Vatican City. we consider Peter to have been the first pope. 

And we would consider him not to be. Yeah.  

Okay, see I don't know that. I'm not that far into our history, but I'm learning, 

that's all that matters. Yeah, I actually, I, I used to not like it, but I do. I think I appreciate now that the Catholic Church has a Pope because I, I like the fact that  all the churches are unified in our beliefs and like,  You know, there's not like one Catholic church that like disagrees with another on certain things.

Well, there kind of are, but that's not supposed to happen. Cause there are like, I think some. It's yeah, it's just human 

nature.  That is one thing that I do like about Catholic and Eastern Orthodox is you go to one church. It's all going to be the same. I love that. Whereas. All these non denominationals.

Sorry to hate on them so much, but yeah, and a lot of just reformed. I mean they'll have Some of them will be like well we don't we believe that women can be pastors or we don't but that church down the street does and With Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, they're always it's one thing that they believe in.

Yeah, and they're all the same 

Which yeah, that is nice. I went to one mass. I went with her. It was actually pretty interesting Like I was pretty open to it. I just  Didn't like it as much as, the current church I go to, which is, which is fine. I mean, I like, I respect it and everything. No, it's not fine.

I'm sorry, I'm kidding. it's alright. I mean, I think, overall, like, is one really gonna get you, like, I don't, maybe this is bad to say, but is one really gonna get you closer to God in any way? As long as you're just like, doing his work and living in his faith, or living in your faith.

That I don't know for sure. Yeah. But like, I just know that a lot of people, and this is going to go down a rabbit hole, think that Catholicism derives from paganism.  

Yeah. A lot of people do think that. And I, I don't honestly know like a ton about that whole thing, but I can say that  A lot of the reasons that they think Catholicism derives from Paganism are  not true, and it's kind of because the Catholic Church took certain, like, little things that the Pagans did, like, I don't, like, we burn incense during Mass sometimes, stuff like that.

they took those traditions, the early church, and made it into a Catholic thing, and so people think it's Pagan, but I would argue that that doesn't make it, like, derive from Paganism just because there's those few things. Yeah. 

Well, one of the things is that why they think so too is because do you guys actually pray to Mary?

So yeah, that's another big difference. That happened when I was at the mass. Were you 

freaked out? 

No, I wasn't freaked out. I kind of knew that was a thing. I just was like 

Yeah, okay, so okay. I Love talking about this stuff. , but anyway, so no I wouldn't say like we don't pray to Mary in the sense that we pray to God I would say it's like The best analogy for it is it's kind of like asking your friend to pray for you, so it's not being like hey, Mary Can you  make this thing happen for me?

It's like Mary. Can you pray for me about this thing? You know, it's kind of like that. Yeah. 

Yeah, but isn't she  

Dead? Yes. Yeah Okay, so that's another thing is that  The way that I've heard it explained and the way that I,  that it made, I, I think this is probably the church belief, is that the people in heaven, , yes, they are, , not on this earth anymore, but they're not dead because it's like, they're in heaven, so they're more alive than even we are right now, I would argue that no, even though they're not on the earth anymore, and the other thing about praying to, uh, to, or like, Two saints or like asking them for their prayers is that in order for like you to be able to do that They have to be canonized So like the church has to basically say we have like we know that this person is in heaven Which is a whole of the canonization process is a whole other thing.


Yeah  That yeah, but we can't really decide. Yeah, it's too heavy. Yeah, how do they determine that? I want to know Okay, 

so I off the top of my head essentially they have to have I think  A certain amount of miracles, credited to their intercession that like something that like literally cannot be  explained in any other way.

And like the church take this, they take it very seriously. canonization, cause it's like, you know,  like saying that someone's in heaven when they're in hell is like, don't do that. so they have to have a certain number of miracles attributed to their intercession. And, there's other things, but that's the main one, and also if somebody was martyred for their faith, it's like,  easier for them to become a saint.

I think they only have to have one miracle attributed to their intercession if they were martyred for their faith. that's canonization in a nutshell.  


There's just, there's so many deep roots with like, there really 

is so much. Well, I also think that back to the praying thing to somebody who has passed on from this earth, to me, it sounds  kind of new agey because like their spirit is no longer part of this world.

They're in heaven.  And like, yeah, God can hear our prayers, but God is almighty. He's not the same. He has authority over angels. He has authority over everybody else. And so I, we don't really See Jesus praying to anybody else in the Bible other than the father. Mm hmm. 

Yeah Yeah I think this was like this was a big hang up for me too because I liked a lot of things about Catholicism and I didn't Really understand this at first and then I think it's just like I've been learning about this for like not even a year And there's just  there's so much  But yeah, like the praying to Saints  It does sound New Age at first, like, on the surface level, but I think also  another thing to note is that, this has been something that's kind of recorded throughout, the history of the church for, like,  since pretty much the beginning, since, like, the hundreds A.

D. and, like, you know, you know, like, iconography and, like, statues of saints, , a lot of early Byzantine churches have, images of Mary and stuff in there, and, like, of the saints. So it's, like It's been, I would say it's not new age, it's like, it's been happening for a long time.

Anything else?  

No, that makes sense to me.  

So you're gonna start praying to Mary now? Yeah, I'm a Catholic now. Oh, okay. No, she just converted me. Yeah, this is just my past experience. Convert live. Yeah. Look at that. 

Nah, I'm a Protestant for life. 

That's what I said too, that's what I said. Yeah.  But I'm serious.

We'll see, we'll see. We'll see. We'll 

see. We will see.  Let's see here. 

there's a lot. Trust me. So you're gonna think of something. 

There is a lot. I just can't think of it right now. 

Okay. Do you guys have sacraments at all? Cause I've, I mean, I've been to some like Protestant churches, obviously, because that's what I did before, but it's like, I've never been like a Baptist church.

I've never been to a reformed church. Do you guys have any form of the sacraments?  What are the sacraments? So the Catholic church has seven sacraments. Let's see if I can think of them all. Communion is one baptism. Obviously everyone has baptism for the most part. anointing of the sick marriage and I don't know what everyone has.

Um, holy orders, which is like priesthood.  Oh my gosh. I can't think of the other two. What are the other two? 

What does baptism  look like for a Catholic? 

Yeah. Yeah. So Catholics. get baptized, like if you're born into a Catholic family, you get baptized when you're an infant. is that, you're a Baptist, is that a thing that you guys do?

See, what separates Baptist from Reformed is Reformed will baptize babies and it's sprinkled water. Whereas a Baptist believes that a baptism has to be your choice.  And it has, you have to be fully immersed.  Dunked underwater and brought back up. And 

when my church was like specifically Methodist, we did both, we did both like the sprinkle and like full dip. 

And now that we're not in denomination, we still do the same thing, but I'm pretty sure I might be wrong, but Methodists do both, like both forms of baptism. 

What made them not want to be Methodist anymore?  

Some LGBTQ plus things.  

Oh, I started going that route. And then,  Yeah, the Methodists are always the first to fall.

That's how it goes. Yeah, 

I saw, uh, actually that might be a little too controversial for me to bring up. I just, I saw a video of like a Methodist church and the pastor was like a drag queen and I was like, I,  I just don't know if there's any context where that's appropriate to be in a church. Yeah, I 


There's not, but, I mean, that's,  if we're really in the end times, that's what's gonna happen. People are gonna fall for false Christianity left and right. I don't wanna go down a rabbit 

hole, but do you guys truly think we're in the end times? 


not sure. I think 

I'm a hard believer, and I think we are.


Really? Well, what did they think during the Black Plague? Yeah. Probably the same. They would've been losing their minds.  Or, the holocaust is another one. that's why I don't know either. Yeah. I think ever since the bible was finished, we have been technically living in the end times. Ever since Jesus passed away.

Or, I'm sorry, died and resur Yeah. Was resurrected. Yeah, okay, 

heretic. I'm just 

kidding, I'm kidding. The pastor, the pastor at my church. , had a whole sermon about, , the end times, and it was actually really interesting. , he didn't, , fearmonger, , tell us,  we're doomed or something, like, none of that.

He was just explaining it, and he pretty much left it up to us where he was like, So, either, yeah, you could think that it's now, or you could think that it'll be way later down the road. But, like, what really matters is that When it happens, you're ready. You know what I mean?  

Well, that's for death too. You could say the same thing.

You could say the same thing for death as well. But I think in today's age, there's a lust for end times prophecies. Oh, there was a red moon last night. Here comes Jesus. Every single time. Did you guys 

hear the stuff about like the, uh, solar eclipse? All that 

stuff? That too. 

Like, the way the solar eclipse went across the United States.

It was like, they dissected it and they were like, It's like the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet and the last, which would be like the alpha and the omega. And so people are like freaking out about that. See that's what I mean. That's exactly what I'm talking about. The United States is like, I don't want to get this wrong, but I think like, The New Babylon or something, 

is that a thing in the Bible?

I think that's a, I feel like I've heard people say that. 

Yeah, I think it's a revelation. Yeah. And they're basically saying like the United States is going to get destroyed. And then that's when the end times are going to 

start.  Yeah, I would agree that I don't,  I mean, we're obviously like we're closer than we ever have been because we are every time a second passes, but I'm like, I think that, yeah,  but I think that like people do just want to think that we're in the end times because like, I don't know why, maybe they just like want some drama, but it's like, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if we were, but I'm also hesitant to be like, Oh my gosh, the sun went down the like we're in the end times now. 

Like a lot of people are. Yeah.  

I'm pretty sure it's every generation says the same thing, too, is what I've been told. So, the world's just a messed up place. We got to 

accept that. Well, I think it also comes from people just love mystery. And so they always want to hear somebody say like, I think this is going to happen.

And it's like, yes. And they're in awe of it. Yeah, 

that's very 

true. And those people saying it make a lot of money because they can sell books.  

Yeah, and they like have you guys heard of the  there's this one pastor's name is Jim Baker He's also like like freeze dried prepper food for people to survive the end times.

It's crazy. That's insane I've been down like a rabbit hole of watching his stuff. It's like it's insane 

TikTok at night before I go to bed this is just a ton of Christian tick tocks and like a ton of people like with conspiracy saying The world's gonna end soon. I hate when people will be like The world is gonna end April 8th 2024.

It's like you don't know that 

It says in the bible. Nobody's gonna know the 

day Obviously, they're right. Yeah, obviously 

the guy or girl on tiktok is right. So 

One of my friends like post stuff like that on his instagram story a lot, you know him you know him logan not gonna say who but Anyway, 

that's funny.

That is really funny. I know  It's a good topic though We 

can talk about it forever. Yeah, we went from baptism to end times. 

Yeah, what's new? 


true Logan no back to back to the topic like cuz she was asking about sacraments, right? Was that the word? Yes. Yeah, we do. Do you guys do communion?  

Yeah, so yeah, we do a certain sacrament.

Yes. Okay, which would be communion and baptism 

how often? Do you do communion? I think we do it once a month. Same here. Okay, so it might just be a protestant thing But we've also done it like two services in a row And then we just won't do it for another month. It's  It kind of just correlates with whatever the The services or like whatever the service is about  in my opinion.

I think that's what they do But there's never been like a given answer of like, hey, this is how we do things They just kind of do it and we kind of just do what they tell us to do 

Yeah, we just like do it every week because that's like literally what mass is Yeah  

And then one of my other questions is like, how do they do?

How does your mass go about doing a reverse exorcism? 

Reverse exorcism? Yeah. What is that? That's 

where they take the priest out of the kid.  Oh my god. 

Dude, that's crazy.  That's crazy that you just asked me 

that. Bro, that's insane.  I was hoping you were gonna make a joke about that. I don't know 

whether to be offended or not. 

It's a classic joke. It is such a good joke.  Oh, dude, that's funny. 

Moving on. Yeah, thankfully we've never had to do one of those at, uh, my parish. Because our priest is amazing.  

That's another one. Why can't priests get married? 

Oh, yeah, okay, so I don't know a ton of, like, the reasoning behind this, but I think essentially the reason that priests are celibate is so, like, their entire life is dedicated to God.

It's kind of  It's kind of similar to why like, you know, nuns don't get married because it's like Christ is their spouse.  That's not, it's not exactly the same for a priest, but it's like, essentially so like his whole life is dedicated to the church, he's like married to the church in a sense. 

Hmm, okay.

That, uh, yeah. That makes sense. Yeah, and I I would have just thought that it was like,  no. This sounds kind of weird, but like, I never really thought about it, but if I were to think about it right now, to think why wouldn't a priest be able to get married, I would just think like,  At his level position,  he doesn't need  a lot of things in his life.

Maybe like distracting him from like his mission as a person. That would be the only thing I could think of, but that makes a lot more sense. Yeah.  

I was going to say arguments for it. Paul does say that it's better to not marry because you do have more time, but then also in the Bible.  It does say that, a bishop or a deacon, which I don't know if a bishop is a pastor technically, right?

Um, yeah, okay, so I think,  I hope that I don't say something incorrect. A bishop is like a priest, but he just like kind of presides over the entire diocese, which is like So like a diocese is just like the group of churches in an area. the diocese of Grand Rapids. Yeah. Yeah, so like a bishop is a  Like a priest but he presides over a lot of churches kind of.

Can he 

get married? No, because in the Bible it says bishops should have only one wife and then their house needs to be in order So basically if they are a bishop  And in our case, a pastor, it's if their children are out of control, then they're now no longer qualified to be a pastor, I think, because it's, I think because not in my church specifically, I don't know what their stance is on that, but I know some of them are, if your house is not in control, then how are you able to lead a church?

It's basically the idea.  

Yeah, that's kind of interesting. It's so was that like,  I don't know, maybe I missed it, but does that like Bible rooted then? Is that like something? Straight from the Bible? Is that just like a belief with it in that, like, certain 

I think it's either in Timothy or Thessalonians. I think Timothy has a 

lot of stuff about that, yeah.

Yeah, it's like 1 Timothy talks about I'll find the verse and put it on the video, and I'll put it in the description if it's on the audio only, because I don't know it off the top of my head, but it says a bishop has, can only be married to one wife, which is, nobody can have more than one wife, so I don't know why it says that,  and then it says that his house has to be under 


Yeah, I,  yeah, I guess I don't know exactly where the basis for priests not being able to get married is, but I,  I do kind of appreciate it because I appreciate that like, you know, knowing that like the priest at whatever church I'm going to is like, that's like his life and he doesn't have like a wife to worry about and stuff too.

Yeah.  He can just devote all of his time to the parish? Is that what a Catholic church is called? Yeah, parish. It's 

insane. Things I don't know.  I've learned 

so much. Haven't you ever driven past one? It says I've literally, like I said, I went to one of her masses. Oh, which one did you go to? 

He went to, it downtown one.

It was at the Cathedral of St. Andrew.  Downtown? 

Yeah. In downtown Grand Rapids. 

Was it huge? It was a beautiful place, yeah. Oh, it's pretty big. It's like  Yeah, I mean, I think You can see it on 131 for sure. Yeah, yeah, you can. Can you? Yeah. It's like, yeah, it's like the I mean, there's like Three catholic churches you can see from 131, but that's one of them.

Yeah, and there's also there's actually an orthodox church I like across the street from it, too  But anyway, that's that's off topic  

I've thought about going to orthodox. Yeah, what but 

is orthodox Protestant? No, 

no, okay They broke away from the Catholic Church because in the Nicene Creed  Catholics wanted it to say The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, and Orthodox said it just proceeds from the Father.

And so they had the Great Schism. 

Yeah.  And I think I can see 

both sides of that. And there is some differences, but that, I've heard.  Was the main thing 

that broke them apart. Yeah, it is. And yeah, I think like Orthodox and Catholic are not the same, but we're very similar. Yeah, 

because they do the Eucharist.

Their priest can be married if he's married before he becomes a priest.  

There are actually, there's like, this is very rare, but there are a few cases of Catholic priests that are married. Uh oh. Yeah, this is because, so I like read an article about this. Rule breakers. Yeah, like, it's cause they were Anglican priests before and then they converted to Catholicism and so obviously the church didn't just make them like leave their wife and kids.

So there are, uh, a very small amount of like married priests.  Not the norm though.  There are a few, fun fact.  

Um,  I swear my friend, this is very off topic, but  this is just a funny story. My friend, uh, his name's Nate, he told me about one of, his priests that he was like going to church with for like a long time, like the priest of that church ended up like getting caught with like pounds of marijuana  in like the basement or something.

And I thought that was an interesting story.  

Priests do some crazy things sometimes. So do pastors. So do 

pastors. Yeah. So do church members, so. Yeah. We're all just kind 

of Yeah, we're all crazy people. people.  Alright. We're gonna move on. Yeah. Uh, we're actually at almost 40 minutes, so I think that'll conclude today's episode.

Hope you guys enjoyed, and we'll get you next time. Bye. Bye. Bye.